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  • Writer's pictureA. L. London

Plan with Me

Doodle of the word "Plan" on a piece of yellow grid paper with blue lines. There are pencils, markers, rulers, etc. in the background.
Plan doodle

There are a million and one ways to plan and 999,999 of them lead to success… if you actually follow them, stay flexible, and persevere.

How do I get from where I am to this state of being that I’ve never experienced before? It’s all uncharted territory… for me.

Others have gone before me. They’ve achieved the success that I wish to taste, and so I am not alone. But nobody else has taste buds quite like mine, so I just can’t naively follow their recipe and hope to like it.


I’ve got to prepare it, taste it, tweak it and repeat. Making small batches until I get it just right. Then, I will know what I need to make the feast.

The ingredients, the tools, the appliances, the heat of the fire. It will all be second nature because I’ve done the work of mapping it out.

Plan with me.

-A.L.L 🖤

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