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  • Writer's pictureA. L. London

Make Space with Me

The words "Make Space" written in capital white letters with a space inspired background behind it.
Make Space - Original Artwork

One day the inner critic was speaking so loudly that my ears were ringing. I had this audacious idea: launch an art studio. It was so far from usual that I wondered if I’d thought it at all. Conflicted and unsure of what to do, I texted a friend.

“Help me figure out my path forward.”

True as she is she gave me the oxygen that I needed to keep my ember of belief alive. I walked into the area that I’d designated for my studio and began to clear: the junk, the out-of-place things, the dust, and the doubts.

I put together the first pieces of a plan to bring my wild dreams into existence. I just needed to create some room for them. Like prepping the house for a guest that’s sure to arrive.

Make space with me.

-A.L.L 🖤

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